Shawnee Animal Clinic

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The Importance of Wellness Exams

Every pet owner knows their cat or dog’s most coveted snacks, favorite window perches or places to go on walks. You even know which side of your bed they like to sleep on! But as an owner, do you know when your pet’s kidneys start to malfunction, or if their joints are really starting to ache because of hip dysplasia or knee pain? This is why it is so important to schedule regular pet wellness exams with our pet’s veterinarian.

Regular physical exams (every 6 months to once per year) are important to help detect any changes that come with aging, such as arthritis and dental disease. During those pet wellness exams, your vet can go over important life stage changes and make appropriate dietary recommendations and advise you on how to maintain an appropriate active lifestyle for your pet.

Parts of the physical exam include listening to the heart, feeling the abdominal organs, checking hips and knees, and also checking their dental health: teeth and gums. Blood work often plays a vital role in evaluating organ function and aids in detecting infection, anemia, diabetes, kidney failure, thyroid disease and other medical conditions. When caught in early stages many diseases can be well maintained, or even treated and cured.

Cats and dogs age at a much more rapid rate than we do, and it is important to play a proactive role in your pet’s health. Cats are very good at hiding when they don’t feel well, so often don’t come in to the exam room until they are very sick.

Just like with our own health, it is always best to be proactive and take preventative measures to help your pet live a comfortable and happy life. Routine pet wellness exams with your veterinarian can help you play an active role in ensuring your pet’s longevity. What matters most for you and your pet is to be able to share a quality of life that is as healthy, active and comfortable as can be!